Tuesday, October 22, 2024

High Performance Culture
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An organization may have a great business model and a distinctive competitive advantage, but find that their organizational culture is a roadblock to achieving higher levels of performance, and reaching the organization’s true potential.

High performing organizations have organizational cultures and work environments that support and sustain high performance, continuous improvement and innovation.  But how do you create that?  How do you overcome resistance to change?  How well are your leaders equipped to lead the transformation of your culture?  And how skilled are your leaders in creating and sustaining a high performance culture and work environment?

Our High Performance Culture process provides a practical step-by-step approach to take the mystery out of culture transformation and meet these challenges.

Key Process Steps

  • Senior Leadership Overview – we introduce the senior leadership team to the overall process, and begin establishing the internal infrastructure for transforming your culture and work environment.
  • Culture Assessment – we guide you through a process to define your current culture, visualize and define your desired future state culture, and identify the unique organizational strengths you can leverage, and the critical gaps that you must address.
  • Vision, Mission and Values Development – we facilitate an in-depth exploration, clarification and definition of your vision, mission and values. This process results in the creation of clear, meaningful and explicit organizational direction and cultural expectations to engage, energize, inspire, challenge, motivate and guide the organization to higher performance.
  • Leading High Performance Workshops – we provide leaders with the skills needed to create and sustain an organizational culture and work environment that are conducive to high performance, continuous improvement and innovation, and more effectively engage, enable and motivate people.
  • Leading Transformation Workshops – leaders learn a systematic approach for guiding the overall organizational change effort, and develop the practical skills needed to lead people through transition, overcome resistance to change, and deal effectively with challenging behaviors.
  • Introducing and Integrating the New Culture – we assist you in introducing the new culture to the organization, and integrating the new cultural norms, attitudes and beliefs throughout the entire organization. Special attention is placed on developing and strengthening critical organizational systems that either support or hinder high performance, and anticipating and addressing the important people issues that accompany change.
  • Evaluation, Learning and Continuous Improvement – we provide ongoing on-site consulting and coaching to support your culture transformation process and ensure success. We also evaluate progress, and provide our feedback, observations, and recommendations for sustaining and continuously improving your culture and work environment.

Bracken and Associates provides you with a comprehensive process and the professional consulting, training, facilitation, coaching, tools, templates and materials you need to be successful.

Results and Benefits

You can achieve several important results and benefits through this process:

  • Transform your organizational culture and create the work environment needed to achieve and sustain high-performance, continuous improvement and innovation

  • Create meaningful vision, mission and values that provide an effective context for setting organizational direction and establishing performance expectations

  • Improve your ability to engage, energize, inspire, challenge, motivate and guide the organization to higher performance

  • Provide leaders with the skills needed to create and sustain a more positive, productive culture and work environment, and more effectively engage, enable and motivate people

  • Equip leaders with a systematic approach for guiding the overall organizational change effort, and the practical skills needed to lead people through transition, overcome resistance to change, and deal with challenging behaviors

  • Improve organizational communications

  • Strengthen employee focus, commitment and engagement

  • Achieve higher morale and satisfaction

  • Instill more trust, teamwork and cooperation

  • Improve employee relations and reduce conflict

  • Learn and implement more effective organizational systems, policies and best practices

  • Promote organizational learning, growth and development

  • Better manage change and transition

  • Improve quality and productivity

  • Create a more agile, competitive organization


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